Saturday, November 17, 2007

LGB? That Doesn't Even Sound Right!

Monday in class, after a long ten week wait we finally get to Transgendered people. There had been small blurbs sparsely throughout the term, but mostly dealt with whether the "T" should even be included in the famous acronym. I say who more fits into this community that Transgendered people?! They are the most visible, go through the most change, are the most misunderstood, and in general have the most difficult life to live emotionally, socially and physically. Almost their entire being is case for oppression so how is it that another group, who also is criticized on the basis on their difference in the realm of gender "normativity" dare reject them? If this is not their community what is? The show Transgeneration on MTV was one of the few mainstream attempts to help bring some understanding to Transgender life and how difficult the transformation is for them. I personally never saw much of this show but I remember from what I did see race, socio-economic status, and location played even larger roles in their lives that gay or bisexual people could even imagine. It also worked to put faces on the stories that people hear and bring the personal emotion for a person in the situation that most people would never get in their lives alone.

Just from that short clip of Transgeneration alone, Raci exhibits many of the same issues as gay and bisexual people. She has a very hard time telling people she is a transsexual, even though she actively lives this life, and has no choice but to really be open because of her drastic changes, so it doesn't exude a sense of shame, but it is just difficult to talk to people in general, and especially those you care for about your situation. In this sense you see Raci COMING OUT, sound familiar? Before she even comes out there are whispers and insinuations about her, as told by the guy she is coming out to, because she had some gender traits that were suspect under the view of dominant society, sound familiar? These are the same issues gays and bisexuals face! There is no way anyone with half a brain could honestly exclude these people. In this sense bisexuals and transegenders have something very similar in common: both are discriminated and damn near unwanted by their own supposed community. I cannot even begin to fathom everything that transgender people face every day, but I can surely understand how it feels to be excluded by those who by traits are closest to you. So to transgender people I say hold steady! Bisexuals face strife with the community everyday still, but it is smoothing out, so even though you are still under debate whether you belong in the acronym, even we bisexuals take crap, so hopefully when you guys are fully actualized into the acronym you will be full accepted. Oh and you guys have a symbol too! Well you actually have many but I'll pick the one I like best.

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