Wednesday, October 31, 2007

So What About That 'B' In LGBT?

So Gays and Lesbians have their fight. They struggle with the issues of homophobia and heteronormativity and they have each other to to run to consistently. Transgenders though the most visible normally and taking the most visible stigma from dominant culture, just their bravery to change their gender warrants them the favor of community. So honestly what about that middle obscure group the Bisexuals? They are clearly the least visible in the community though. When it comes to identity all three of the other members have distinctly carved out boxes, but WHAT ABOUT BISEXUALS? That is a question even "living legend" Esther Newton could not answer in her visit to our class.

Esther Newton's visit was quite informative and enjoyable, and she gave some nice new perspectives to the way I view LGBT issues. She spoke of the boxes that exist, gay and straight, and how Gays and Lesbians play their roles against the dominant straight culture. When I asked about the role of Bisexuals and how did boxes play a role in our lives she could not give me a definite answer. Her answer stated that Bisexuals do not have this awkward choice of being in one box or the other, some sort of confusion, nor is it just a harmony of two boxes merged, but it indeed is it own box. I first had my own doubts about such a comment, even from one as prominent as Esther Newton herself, but after thinking of it I do believe she is right.

I came to the realization that her claim was at least at least basally correct because if one were to search the internet, or libraries about bisexuality it would be very scarce in consideration of the voluminous information that could be found about Gays and Lesbians. Actually in researching for this post, I found the resources to be most depressing. How is it that an entire category of people can garner so little thought and consideration?

Now logistically I am not inept, I understand there are not going to be entire bisexual movements and fights for "bisexual rights" because honestly only one half of our being is being oppressed. That being said the fight for gay rights fights to the same ends, thus winning similar rights for bisexual people as well. That being said, it makes sense when talking about the community it is acceptable to just say Gay and Lesbian right? I find that a bit problematic because it diminishes our identity in a way.

In the end bisexuals will still of course support the gay cause because it affects them as well. The marches, the prides, the oppression will still be shared to an extent with purely homosexual culture. Could there in the future though, be awareness for the stigma faced by Bisexuals by both Gays and Straights? Possibly for the constant coming out that we endure and grow weary of the explanation? Well there is hope for us apparently, it isn't much, but it seems we have a symbol now! Maybe we are actually coming up! Also of all of the sites that exist, which aren't many, there is one I approved of in attempting to explain our identity and didn't make us one dimensional or confused. Sad it is the best it gets as for references though.

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